Decide and Ride

Depart East Perth 9am Decide and Ride –   We meet at the usual departure point in East Perth, and decide on the morning where we will go. Guests welcome

Saturday Coffee

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since

Caladenia morning tea

A shorter ride for morning tea . Depart East Perth  9am Arrive Caladenia Mini Golf Cafe 10.30 ( Caladenia Rd, Gingin West) Distance  110k Plenty of options to continue further

Branch Social Meeting –

Carlisle Hotel 174 Rutland Ave, Carlisle Dinner from 6pm to 7.30pm Meeting 7.30pm

Saturday Coffee

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since

Saturday Coffee

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since