Where We Meet


BP East Perth (click here for map)
Corner East Pde & Brown St, East Perth
(we park at the side/rear of the servo, not in front) — Sundays, 9:00am (8:00am in summer).

Check Rides and Events for details.

Wednesday Lunch

We meet at a different venue every Wednesday at 11:30am for a natter followed by lunch at 12:00noon. Contact John Gliddon to be added to the weekly email regarding venue information.

Check Rides and Events for details.

Saturday Coffee

We meet for coffee on Saturday afternoons at:

Victoria Park: Check Rides and Events for details.

Unfortunately, our regular cafe (Diverso) is closing so for now we are meeting at Catalanos – Please check the Events calendar to see where we will be on any given day!

Social Meeting

Branch social meetings are held on the second Thursday of every other month at the Stirling Arms Hotel, 117 James St, Guildford. The meeting starts at 7:00pm with most members coming beforehand for dinner and drinks at 6:00pm.

Check Rides and Events for details.

The branch committee meet on the Thursday before the social meeting.  The agenda and venue for these meetings are distributed to committee members beforehand.


Facebook — join our group (click)
Calendar of events

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