Branch Dinner – Vic Park

Branch Dinner - Friday June 14th Location: Yummy House... Asian cuisine Dim Sum a specialty - BYO Time get there between 6.30 to 7.00 PM... Please advise any committee member

Saturday Coffee – Dome Vic Park

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since

Saturday Coffee – Dome Vic Park

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since

Decide and Ride

Gingin ride has been postponed. Meet East Perth as normal for decide and ride. Depart 9am Guests welcome.

Branch Social Meeting

Carlisle Hotel 174 Rutland Ave, Carlisle Dinner from 6pm to 7.30pm Meeting 7.30pm (Please note new meeting start time)  

Saturday Coffee – Dome Vic Park

Dome Coffee Shop , 293 Albany Hwy. This is a social get-together for Club and prospective members. Here we meet, talk, unwind, admire each others’ bikes, swap tall stories. Since

Decide and Ride

Depart East Perth 9am Decide and Ride –   We meet at the usual departure point in East Perth, and decide on the morning where we will go. Guests welcome. If