Chittering to Seabird.

BP East Perth (corner Brown St and East Pde) 70 Brown Street, East Perth, WA, Australia

  Join me for a ride which will be a mixed bag.  Some old favourite roads,  a road or two  that I have not ridden,  some hills,  a bit of suburbia,  and some boring bits like tonking Highway.  And a bit of sightseeing. ( If I can find it). Usual start point East Perth 9am

Decide and Ride

BP East Perth (corner Brown St and East Pde) 70 Brown Street, East Perth, WA, Australia

We decide on the morning where ride will go. Meet at BP East Perth. Park in the adjacent carpark. Please leave bays marked for Stadium fitness vacant. Briefing  at 9am .  Arrive early and be fuelled up prior to briefing. Guests are welcome, more information Wayne Bavin 0401 796 018

Partners Day Luncheon – Bistro by the dam

Summer is almost here, so build up the brownie points and take the better half out for lunch at the very popular and picturesque Bistro by the dam. Call Barrie Nelson on 0407 779 310. Numbers required by Nov 25th.  

Smorgasboard Ride

BP East Perth (corner Brown St and East Pde) 70 Brown Street, East Perth, WA, Australia

  It could be a heinz variety ride. there will be some highway, some backroads, some favourite roads, forests, maybe some Canola if its not harvested, and some plains. Depart East Perth usual 9am Morning Tea Chittering about 80k Lunch stop Bakers Hill .   141k ( from Chittering) total distance East Perth to East Perth